Well these are the plans death and me have for 2012 cause we might of had more but we lost everything...
I really didnt like last years entries to madness day well xionic madness 4 was cool heist was OK but i didnt like the first place....Anyway:
Hank couldent finish his achivements but we only made it in liek 15 hours so dont be a hater skater :3
Gonna make it liek 20-40 achivements the most so hope it will make u guys laugh :) shouldent of used nyan cat...OR WE MIGHT EVEN USE HIM AGAIN :D
2 frigen years after the trailer...Lost everything we had like 5% of all of it done finished the hard parts so yeah lost abit....Well main chars
Ryan:A man who lost his wife when the zombie outbrake happend and then tryin to get out of the city
Claire:Bad ass biker girl only doing 1 thing,killing and robbing survivers
Scott:Sniper not much known about him
Ernest:A pilot who also wants to get out of the city
Benjimen:I dont know why but i dont like him a generel soldier...
Dr.Awesome(Wille):Yeah death came up with the name...Some say he started it all created the virus but he is working for a cure
Rachel:A char i created willes girl friend ;)
Janitor:Someone who survives friggen everything
Well we will make a trailer when its all done :D all for now
How did it get lost?
he lost his locak D;disk